Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s 18th curated exhibition, Paracosmic Escape, is currently on view at Modern Eden Gallery in San Francisco, CA. USA until 5 December.
Exclusive Interview With Jason Mowry, 2nd Prize Winner of the RAYMAR Traditional Art Award, 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize by...
Over the last couple of weeks we have been sharing the 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Finalists of each Award...
Halcyon Days, is Beautiful Bizarre Magazine’s 14th international curated exhibition, and 5th at the prestigious Modern Eden Gallery in San...
3rd Prize WinnerRAYMAR Traditional Art Award Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2022 Hannah Flowers Title: “Devouring of the Odalisque” Medium &...
2nd Prize WinneriCanvas Digital Art Award Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2022 Marcela Bolívar Title: “Chthonic Tide” Medium & Dimensions: Photomanipulation...
Over the last couple of weeks we have been sharing the 2024 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize Finalists of each Award category [33PA Emerging Artist Award, Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award, Photography Award, Digital Art Award, and the RAYMAR Traditional Art Award] on our social media, website, and via our email newsletters. We have been incredibly impressed with the caliber of work! Now, it is your opportunity to have a voice: help us to determine the winner of the 2024 Catherine K. Gyllerstrom People’s Choice Award!
Chiche_art (b.1997) is a Visual Artist who lives and work in Enugu, Nigeria. Chiche has been creative since he was a kid and made art with objects and tools he found around him as at then. Motivated to improve in his craft after he saw some really amazing artwork by some notable artists he admired.
It’s not just about winning; plenty of Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize finalists have also enjoyed a boost to their careers!...
2nd Prize WinnerRAYMAR Traditional Art Award Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2022 Kremena Chipilova Title: “Her Shadows Caress Me” Medium &...
1st Prize WinneriCanvas Digital Art Award Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2022 Jennifer Bruce Title: “A Particular Blindness” Medium & Dimensions:...
3rd Prize WinneriCanvas Digital Art Award Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2022 Juliet Nneka Title: “Aftergrowth” Medium & Dimensions: Digital Painting...