Since the beginning of August our esteemed Jury Panel have been going through the entries and making the very difficult decisions. The overall quality of entries was exceptional!
We are deeply honoured by our communities interest in the 2020 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize; focusing on contemporary art across the representational visual arts, in all static mediums including Traditional Art media, Digital Art media, and Photographic media; and all genres from realism to pop surrealism and lowbrow.
The Prize seeks to inspire creatives from around the world to pursue a life and career in the arts, and to help careers grow through funding and increased exposure of their work to galleries, collectors and media globally.
From the 100 Finalists, the Winners in each category, and overall 1st Prize Winner will participate in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition at Modern Eden Gallery along side 80 of the best contemporary artists from around the world. Plus share in over USD$35,000 in cash and prizes including: a non acquisitive cash prize, product prizes, advertising packages, editorial in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine, exclusive interviews published on the Beautiful Bizarre website, exposure to our 1M+ social media community, and much more!!
Plus in addition, each sponsor will chose one outstanding work from their Award category to receive an Honourable Mention. Stay tuned to learn more!
The People’s Choice winner will be selected by popular vote from the 100 Finalists, and will receive a year’s worth of social media advertising through the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine socials to ensure they are able to connect with the right audience of engaged creatives, collectors and gallerists, raise their profile, associate their work with other leading creatives, and of course to grow their social media following. A 12 month Beautiful Bizarre Magazine print subscription, and an in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize websites, giving readers an insight into their vision and practice. Voting will open on 24 August. To ensure you don’t miss your chance to vote, please join our email mailing list here.
Stay tuned, the Photography, Digital Art and Traditional Art Finalists will be announced later this week.
Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award
Winner will receive:
- US$3,000 cash, generously donated by Yasha Young Projects, arts philanthropist and Executive Curatorial Director for the FOR_M a new institution currently being developed in New York city.
- A beautiful specially commissioned art glass trophy.
- The opportunity to exhibit in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition at Modern Eden Gallery [San Francisco] alongside 80+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists
- Exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
- US$100 voucher from Mayco, who produce ceramic glazes and other amazing products for clay sculptors
- 1 year unlimited subscription to the Stan Winston School, including unlimited access to the Course Library by the Masters of FX. Also includes exclusive access to Stan Winston Studio Behind-the-Scenes Documentary stream.
- 3 month social media advertising package (Beautiful Bizarre Magazine: 1 Million + followers across all socials platforms)
- Exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites + shared on social media
- A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
2nd and 3rd prize winners will receive:
- The opportunity to exhibit in the prestigious Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition at Modern Eden Gallery [San Francisco] alongside 80+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists
- Exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
- A year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
- An exclusive in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize and Beautiful Bizarre Magazine websites.
So without further ado we are proud to announce the 25 Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award Finalists of the 2020 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize…
Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Finalists
2020 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize

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