This year we have two new individual award categories: Victoria Olt Gallery Drawing Award & RAYMAR Painting Award! Read to learn more.
Caroline Nelson: RAYMAR Honourable Mention, Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize 2024
Congratulations to the 2024 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize RAYMAR Traditional Art Award Winners: Victor Wang, Haejin Yoo, and Jon Ching!
Exclusive Interview With Stephanie Rew, 3rd Prize Winner of the Raymar Traditional Art Award, 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize by...
Markus Akesson is the 1st Prize Winner RAYMAR Traditional Art Award 2023, lives and works in Nybro, Småland, Sweden. He has been participating in a large number of exhibitions at galleries, art fairs and institutions in Paris, Berlin, Brussels, London, Vilnius and Sweden. Åkesson had an early focus on the French art scene and has made several solo exhibitions at Galerie Da-End in Paris (the most recent in the winter of 2022-2023, with the solo exhibition “The Roses of Heliogabalus”) and the French art fairs Galeristes, Art Paris and YIA Art Fair.
Stephanie Rew is the 3rd Prize winner of RAYMAR Traditional Art Award 2023, she is born in 1971, Stephanie Rew was raised in Edinburgh, Scotland leaving for Dundee in 1990 to study at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art, graduating in 1994. She curated the first Women Painting Women Exhibition in the UK as part of the WPW (Revolution) movement in 2013.
With thoughtful composition, Jon Ching paints a blend of magical realism that speaks to us of the importance of caring for habitat loss and the precious species that exist beyond the frenetic pace of our contemporary society.
We are proud to announce the Winner of the 2024 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize: Musonium Grand Prize Award + Catherine K. Gyllerstrom People’s Choice Award & Honourable Mentions Announced!
With just 2 months left to enter the 2024 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, we would love to share more of the wonderful entries we have received so far! The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize celebrates diversity and excellence in the representational visual arts, in all static mediums including Traditional Art media, Digital Art media, and Photographic media; and all genres from realism and hyperrealism, to pop surrealism and lowbrow.
Exclusive Interview With Markus Åkesson, 1st Prize Winner of the RAYMAR Traditional Art Award, 2023 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize by...
Jason Mowry is the 2nd Prize winner of RAYMAR Traditional Art Award 2023, Jason grew up between the local art museum and comic book shops, combining the rhythms of each walking the line between formal art and the fantastic space. Jason calls Ohio home, where he keeps a studio and teaches at a local art college. When Not in the studio, Jason can be found Sketching at a cafe or wandering the nature preserve near his home studio.
Nanci France-Vaz is a modern renaissance artist that uses allegorical symbolism to create visual stories on canvas. She draws inspiration from the Pre-Raphaelite and Naturalist periods of art, poetry, and classic literature, and film. She combines her strong foundation in life painting with imaginative backgrounds fusing classical with contemporary realism.