2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize – Entries Open!

Henrik Uldalen


Entries for the 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize are now open!

Global exposure + over US$57,000 in cash
& prizes to be won!

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, now in its 5th year, is an annual non-acquisitive international art prize that celebrates diversity and excellence in the representational visual arts. It includes all static mediums including Traditional Art media, Digital Art media, and Photographic media; and all styles from realism and hyperrealism, to pop surrealism and lowbrow. The Prize seeks to inspire creatives from around the world to pursue a life and career in the arts, and to help careers grow through funding and increased exposure of their work to galleries, collectors and media globally.

Giving the practices of representational artists validation and visibility, particularly in the commercial gallery and museum sector where it is still hard to get representation, is what the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize aims to achieve.

Danijela Krha Purssey, Co-Founder & Editor-in-Chief, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is a non-acquisitive art prize which provides an amazing opportunity for traditional and digital 2D + 3D artists, and photographers to:

  • Share in over US$57,000 worth of cash, services and product prizes
  • Exhibit in the prestigious annual Beautiful Bizarre Magazine exhibition alongside 80+ of the world’s best contemporary representational artists at Modern Eden Gallery, in San Francisco, CA USA
  • Receive exposure to a successful commercial gallery’s collector base with the opportunity to sell their work
  • Enjoy global exposure through Beautiful Bizarre Magazine‘s 1 million+ social media followers across multiple socials platforms, plus additional exposure through our partners, friends and supporters
  • See your work published in Beautiful Bizarre Magazine + an in-depth interview published on the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine & Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize websites
  • Enjoy 3 – 12 month social media advertising packages
  • Receive a year’s worth of inspiration – a print subscription to Beautiful Bizarre Magazine
  • + most importantly, receive worldwide exposure!

Grand Prize Winner receives US$13,500 cash + prizes!

2022 Award Categories

  • RAYMAR Traditional Art Award – receives US$6,000 cash & prizes
  • INPRNT Photography Award – receives US$4,500 cash & prizes
  • iCanvas Digital Art Award – receives US$4,500 cash & prizes
  • Yasha Young Projects Sculpture Award – receives $3,000 cash & prizes
  • ArtStation People’s Choice Award – receives US$2,000 cash & prizes [People’s Choice Award voting opens on 26 August 2022 [AEDT, Australian Eastern Daylight Time]

This is the perfect opportunity for artists to get their work in front of both the Editor-in-Chief of Beautiful Bizarre Magazine and the Directors of Modern Eden Gallery, plus connect with the 80+ artists participating in the Beautiful Bizarre Magazine curated exhibition in November this year.

Entry fee is US$40 to cover administrative costs. If you have any questions about the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize, please don’t hesitate to contact us at [email protected].

The Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize is administered by Australian based, international contemporary art magazine, Beautiful Bizarre Magazine.

Entries Open: 1 February 2022

Entries Close: Midnight 31 July 2022 [Los Angeles, USA time]

The 2022 Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize
is proudly sponsored by


   Raymar Logo w mark_Black_Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize       Yasha Young Projects - logo - Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize       



   SmArt School - black text logo - Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize



  Wacom - logo - Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize   Sculpey - logo - Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize

Artwork by 2021 Traditional Art Award, 2nd Prize Winner – Henrik Uldalen